Tuesday 19 February 2013

Search Engine Optimisation - SEO

Search Engine Optimisation - SEO

How do we ensure clients rank in the top positions in Google?
First off, Search Engine Optimisation is not rocket science. We follow tried and tested processes that we constantly improve and refine to maximise the effectiveness of our clients' campaigns. Moreover, effective SEO is labour intensive and time consuming. We have the resources to be able to undertake even the most demanding SEO campaigns in the most competitive markets
Smart Traffic offers the following services:

Market and Competitor Analysis
Our Analysis Team will analyse the most searched and targeted keywords and phrases that relate directly to your business. From here we identify the SEO strategies of your competitors for these phrases in order to see exactly what we need to do to rank above them. This will allow us to focus your campaign on achieving the highest rankings for your most searched for keywords. Furthermore, this indepth research means that each campaign has minimum wastage and maximum 'bang for your buck'.

Onsite Optimisation and Content Development
Smart Traffic SEO specialists understand how Google's spiders crawl and index websites. Onsite SEO involves relevant keyword placement in the most important areas of each page, HTML code optimisation, content optimisation, internal linking, navigation optimisation as well as resolving any issues which will be affecting the ranking of your website and any of its pages. The aim of this onsite work is to ensure Google spiders can effectively crawl each page placing emphasis on the most important keywords.

Link building and offsite optimisation
Quality, inbound links are the most effective method of obtaining and maintaining Number 1 Google rankings even in the most competitive markets. Smart Traffic employs only the most effective and safest methods of link building that replicate a natural link acquisition profile. The result is higher positions, quicker movement and long term rankings.

Campaign tracking and reporting
One of the key benefits of SEO over other traditional marketing vehicles is the highly measurable results. At Smart Traffic, we do not believe in charging for reports. We believe in regular reporting so you can track your campaign progress every step of the way. All ranking, link building, progress and Analytics reports are delivered on time and FREE OF CHARGE

Experienced and Knowledgeable SEO Campaign Managers
Every Smart Traffic client receives their own dedicated Campaign Manager to ensure the most cost effective and results driven SEO campaign is delivered. Smart Traffic Campaign Managers are professional SEO campaign managers with the highest levels of customer service delivery.