Thursday 28 February 2013

What Business Owners Should Expect From Google and SEO in 2013

Because Google gives out such little information about the internal workings of its algorithms, it's nearly impossible to say with certainty what issues webmasters can expect to face in 2013. Digital marketers failed to predict the widespread changes that would result from 2011's Panda update, just as they couldn't foresee the scope of the 2012 Penguin change.Google typically does about 200 algorithm updates each year, but there's no way to know if another Panda or Penguin is in store.But based on the changes we have seen recently, it's possible to make a few predictions about how the field of search engine optimization (SEO) could change during the coming year.Related: 5 Deadly Sins of SEO and Online MarketingThe Issues A few fundamental shifts have occurred recently that will likely continue throughout 2013:RelatedWhat's Ahead in 2013 for Venture CapitalWhat Entrepreneurs Need to Know About What's Ahead in 2013 for the U.S. Economy8 CommentsShare your thoughts• Google's perpetual goal is to rid its results pages of spam. While the Penguin update took major steps in the right direction, this series of changes revealed a few new loopholes that allowed webmasters with low-quality pages to sneak into the natural search results. Expect further refinements of the Penguin update or an entirely new algorithm change, as Google continues its battle against spam.• Link building continues to become more difficult. As Google's algorithm updates invalidate popular linking schemes, the process of finding and securing backlinks for search engine optimization grows more challenging. As a result, it would be more appropriate to call the techniques that will work best in 2013 "link earning," rather than "link building."• Mobile internet usage grows, changing the scope of required SEO activities. With predictions that mobile internet usage will account for as much as half of all web traffic by 2014, it's imperative that companies implement mobile SEO best practices for their websites.The PlayersAlthough Google's changes are made behind closed doors, there are a few SEO industry insiders to follow for the early word on important new updates:• Matt Cutts: You'll want to give any updates that come from the head of Google's Webspam team and the company's unofficial spokesperson extra consideration. Subscribe to his personal blog and pay special attention to his Twitter feed, for what Cutts calls "weather updates" -- messages that indicate new algorithm changes and that data refreshes are being released.• Danny Sullivan: The editor-in-chief of Search Engine Land is one of the rare people in the SEO industry who is often able to get clarifying responses from official Google spokespeople. I recommend following his updates on the Search Engine Land website and his Twitter account.• Rand Fishkin: The founder and CEO of Seattle-based SEO and social monitoring service SEOMoz is recognized as a member of the SEO world's "in crowd." To stay up-to-date on changes in the industry, follow the general posts on the SEOMoz blog, along with Fishkin's personal blog and Twitter account, which offer additional insights into the latest SEO news.Related: Beyond Basic SEO: When Hiring a Consultant Makes SensePredictions Despite Google's secrecy, I'm comfortable making a few predictions about the relative importance of certain elements in the field of digital marketing. Specifically, I believe:• 'Structured data' will play an increasingly important role in SEO. Structured data, or "microdata," is a special mark up language that websites can use to provide additional information about their content to the search engines. Given that Google has relatively few indicators to objectively assess quality and given how much it has been pushing the adoption of this system, I believe microdata and other forms of structured mark up will become even more important to website performance in the natural search results. • Good content marketing will become a more accessible path to website success. To be clear, "good" content marketing doesn't involve spamming sites with fake guest posts or distributing infographics simply because they're popular. Instead, valuable content on topics readers care about is what will help websites increase their inbound backlinks, brand reputation and referral traffic naturally. This will lead to success in the search engine results with much less effort than traditional SEO techniques.• Data-driven marketing techniques will drive out intuitive promotions. "Big data" was one of the hottest digital marketing buzzwords in 2012. Because the amount of information marketers have access to is only going to increase, it's wise to assume that data-driven decisions will become even more important to marketers this year

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation - SEO

Search Engine Optimisation - SEO

How do we ensure clients rank in the top positions in Google?
First off, Search Engine Optimisation is not rocket science. We follow tried and tested processes that we constantly improve and refine to maximise the effectiveness of our clients' campaigns. Moreover, effective SEO is labour intensive and time consuming. We have the resources to be able to undertake even the most demanding SEO campaigns in the most competitive markets
Smart Traffic offers the following services:

Market and Competitor Analysis
Our Analysis Team will analyse the most searched and targeted keywords and phrases that relate directly to your business. From here we identify the SEO strategies of your competitors for these phrases in order to see exactly what we need to do to rank above them. This will allow us to focus your campaign on achieving the highest rankings for your most searched for keywords. Furthermore, this indepth research means that each campaign has minimum wastage and maximum 'bang for your buck'.

Onsite Optimisation and Content Development
Smart Traffic SEO specialists understand how Google's spiders crawl and index websites. Onsite SEO involves relevant keyword placement in the most important areas of each page, HTML code optimisation, content optimisation, internal linking, navigation optimisation as well as resolving any issues which will be affecting the ranking of your website and any of its pages. The aim of this onsite work is to ensure Google spiders can effectively crawl each page placing emphasis on the most important keywords.

Link building and offsite optimisation
Quality, inbound links are the most effective method of obtaining and maintaining Number 1 Google rankings even in the most competitive markets. Smart Traffic employs only the most effective and safest methods of link building that replicate a natural link acquisition profile. The result is higher positions, quicker movement and long term rankings.

Campaign tracking and reporting
One of the key benefits of SEO over other traditional marketing vehicles is the highly measurable results. At Smart Traffic, we do not believe in charging for reports. We believe in regular reporting so you can track your campaign progress every step of the way. All ranking, link building, progress and Analytics reports are delivered on time and FREE OF CHARGE

Experienced and Knowledgeable SEO Campaign Managers
Every Smart Traffic client receives their own dedicated Campaign Manager to ensure the most cost effective and results driven SEO campaign is delivered. Smart Traffic Campaign Managers are professional SEO campaign managers with the highest levels of customer service delivery.


Related: JOBS Act Legislation Opens Up Crowdfunding

When Dave Chase was looking to crowdfund his new company, Avado, last summer, he bypassed well-known sites like Kickstarter and went straight to Medstartr, which caters to health-related startups.Seattle-based Avado makes technology tools that patients and physicians can use to communicate with each other—a mission that resonated with Medstartr's audience of health-minded individuals. Within two months of posting a video and description of Avado on the site, Chase surpassed the $5,000 fundraising goal he had set and ended up bringing in $7,585.In addition to the capital, Chase says, he gained valuable experience that he parlayed into a round of angel financing. "The Medstartr experience was critical for crisping up our story," Chase says. "It helped us communicate the heart of what our benefit was to both patients and providers." Chase took what he learned, used it to post a description of his company on AngelList—a site that matches financiers with entrepreneurs—and ended up raising $1 million in January.Related: Equity Crowdfunding Rules Stalled at SEC Crowdfunding is catching fire in health care, partly because of the growing collection of sites that offer services to entrepreneurs inventing new products for patients, physicians and other medical providers. Just a few months after Medstartr was unveiled in New York last July, Larkspur, Calif.-based Health Tech Hatch launched its crowdfunding platform.The first 25 entrepreneurs to try Medstartr raised $122,000, says founder and CEO Alex Fair. And Health Tech Hatch founder and CEO Patricia Salber says 13 campaigns have raised $22,000 on her site. The crowdfunding sites collect a small percentage of the funds raised.Medstartr and Health Tech Hatch are similar in that they both offer a range of services to help science-minded entrepreneurs market their ideas to lay audiences. "We spend a lot of time helping them craft their campaigns," Salber says. "We want them to be able to come in a virtual way and get all of the tools they need." Health Tech Hatch, for example, offers a service where potential users of a crowdfunded product test it and offer feedback to help improve it. How can health-care entrepreneurs find crowdfunding success? To start, says Medstartr's Fair, you have to make an unforgettable first impression. To that end, his company will help entrepreneurs who want to improve the way they come across in their introductory videos. "You have to engage people in the first four seconds," Fair says. "Even something as simple as the angle you shoot it at matters."Related: Crowdfunding for Startup Capital -- And Market IntelHealth crowdfunding sites also encourage entrepreneurs to build their social-media followings and personal networks. Chase says reaching out to his more than 4,500 Twitter followers was crucial for driving investors to his Medstartr video. Entrepreneur Anne Giles Clelland of Blacksburg, Va., on the other hand, says her lack of social-media presence may be to blame for the lackluster response to her app, Cognichoice, which debuted on Health Tech Hatch in January. "I'm not a young person with 1,000 Facebook friends," says Giles, who so far has raised just $3,511 for Cognichoice, which is designed for providers to offer to patients with chronic diseases. "Who knew? I expected there to be a crowd of strangers. We did not think that [social media] piece through."The potential for health-care entrepreneurs to crowdfund more than modest sums of money may hinge on the outcome of the federal Jobs Act, which includes a provision that would allow companies to sell up to $1 million in securities on crowdfunding sites. Salber, Fair and other proprietors of crowdfunding sites are still waiting for the Securities and Exchange Commission to hammer out the final rules. "If it allows crowdfunders to offer equity, I think you'll see these sites being able to fundraise much larger amounts," Salber says.Related: JOBS Act Legislation Opens Up CrowdfundingFor now, many entrepreneurs in the health arena are finding that the exposure and connections they make through crowdfunding sites can be more valuable than the money. Pediatric endicrinologist Jennifer Shine Dyer first signed up for Medstartr last year, hoping to raise $25,000 to develop a mobile app for managing diabetes. When she struggled to generate interest from investors, she went back to Medstartr for some mentoring. Fair and his colleagues matched her up with a Silicon Valley startup called Genomera, which is using crowdsourcing to help Dyer recruit patients for a clinical trial of her app. That partnership allowed Dyer to cut her startup budget to $5,000—which she raised easily on Medstartr. The financial terms of the partnership were not disclosed.Dyer urges other entrepreneurs to be flexible and open-minded if they plan to try crowdfunding. "I had to make some compromises," she says. "But I've now been crowdfunded, and I believe that will strengthen my position in approaching other investors." Corrections & Amplifications: An earlier version of this story misstated where Avado is based. The correct city is Seattle. The story also misstated Jennifer Shine Dye's occupation. She is an endocrinologist.