Monday 8 April 2013

Reputation Management in 40 Minutes and under $50

You are reading this because either you have been attacked online or you want to make sure your reputation is protected. But maybe you don’t have thousands of dollars to spend and you just want to start somewhere, with something. You can do the below items in about 10 minutes, and it will have a profound impact on your Reputation.Buy a blog – Go to or any other domain host and purchase something close your or If your brand or name is unavailable, add an “online” or “web” to the end of it. For me, it would be Once you secure your domain, get the cheapest hosting package that supports WordPress and get it online. Once WordPress is online, add a couple of articles to it and post them live.Secure your in Account – again, using your brand or your name as the main name of the page.Secure a Twitter and Facebook PAGE. This is not a normal account, you need to create a page around yourself or your business.Get a Google+ account and post some content. Also, makes sure to create 2-3 circles and add contacts to these circles.Link everything together. In most of these above pages, you can add external links, etc. to your profile. Make sure to do this. You want all of these profiles tangled together like a spider web, wherever possible